Planning to climb up on a house ✝o calcula✝e ✝he roof square foo✝age by hand?
Use Technology
Gone are the days of daunting on-site measurements, now you can get a professional roof measurement report, with the latest technology, quality aerial imagery, satellite images and roof wizard software.
SKY ROOF MEASURE helps companies digitize their workflows and deliver a superior customer experience.
Smart Decision
We help you optimize and eliminate the wastage of time and money. Sky Roof Measure is able to remotely measure roofs and provide comprehensive reports within 1 business day.
For some files you can get an overnight turnaround giving you the advantage of bid earlier.
Pricing Plans
our services price
Ins✝an✝ Squares
Quick And The Most Economical Solution For Estimating Roofing Projects.
Roof Squares With Predominant Pitch Factored.Outlined Roof Perimeter.
2 Hrs* Or Less Typical Turnaround.
Residen✝ial repor✝
Ideal For Estimating Siding Replacements Or Exterior Wall Repairs.
Detailed 3D Sketch Analysis & Critical Dimensions.
1 Business day* Or Less Typical Turnaround.
Who are we?
Sky roof measure is an aerial roof measurement company set out to help homeowners, Insurance adjusters, roofers, and construction companies in lowering their overall cost and to get the most accurate roof measurement report with meticulous details.
Our team of young and highly trained technicians makes sure that you receive reports that are comprehensive, customized, and precise. We are committed to bringing satisfactory results for our clients through our explicit and unerring reports. We use the best new technology drones and satellites to get images and measurements of the roofs.
Our Features
By choosing our service you will have following advantages.

Life Saver
Risk Free Solution

Do More bids
Quick and Easily

Detailed and On-point Reports