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Roof Report

How to Write a Roof Inspection Report [With Templates]
  1. Communicate details in a way the homeowner can understand. …
  2. Create a separate roofing estimate. …
  3. Use the report as a marketing opportunity. …
  4. Use resources to build roof inspection reports. …
  5. Keep it professional.

Create a separate roofing estimate.

Be professional in your roofing business strategy. To reduce pressure on potential customers, always keep roofing estimates separate from your roof inspection reports. 

That’s not to say you shouldn’t have the estimate on hand if you choose to provide the inspection report in person. Homeowners want to know their options without feeling pressured to make a decision on the spot. If the atmosphere feels right or if the homeowner asks, review the estimate together section by section.

Use the report as a marketing opportunity.

Writing a roof inspection report is likely not your favorite task as a roofer. However, think of it as an opportunity to set your company apart from competitors. You haven’t yet closed the job, so this is one more opportunity to make a unique impact on the homeowner.

Incorporate your branding, from colors to font styles to your witty company logo. If they found your company online, they may connect your website to the roof inspection report simply through these minor details. Consider increasing consistency and professionalism by adding these details to company shirts and vehicle magnets.

Portraying a professional image from the start can help you land the job. Maintaining that professionalism throughout the roof replacement or repair process can increase your referral rate. 

What is an easy-to-read roofing report?

Easy-to-read reports show your customers that you recognize their needs and aren’t trying to impress them with industry terms they don’t understand. Along with brief descriptions, add photos of the problem areas on their roofs.

Our Expertise

We have a group of experienced experts who can work utilizing various applications. We can embrace any sort of innovation or exclusive programming application according to customer necessities to deliver Roof Reports. We stringently never utilize any such restrictive data or programming application across customers. We work with non-divulgence arrangements set up. We have numerous long stretches of involvement with this Roof Diagramming administration and can deal with any volume of work with a specified time and turnaround as low as 12 hours or considerably lesser while keeping up top-notch principles. We are truly adaptable in our work and can work nonstop if there is proceeded with business. Extra assets can likewise be used if the interest is more. We are consistently open to having discourse and portray our administrations in more noteworthy detail. We can work to execute a no-commitment pilot venture to display our capacities and administration norms.

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