Estimate roof size

Roof Measuring Program

You don’t need a flagpole to display Old Glory.  With the contentious election results this year and as Veterans’ Day 2020 draws near, we celebrate the patriotic Americans who show off the red, white, and blue on their roofs and buildings!  From creative shingle “mosaics,” to manufactured gable vents… From colorful outdoor decor to spirited bunting, citizens are proud of property ownership and the freedom to pursue the American Dream.

                         Call Us – (315) 926-1777

For the easiest, most accurate measurements possible, software is key

When you’ve got too many roofing projects in the pipeline, it’s time to start looking into measurement tools to help you take your business to the next level and save time without sacrificing accuracy in your measurement reports.

Sky Roof Measure is a roof measurement software created specifically to help your business grow by reducing your workload and saving you valuable time. Using a combination of HD satellite and aerial imagery from Google Maps, Sky Roof Measure is not only able to accurately measure a roof but also determine pitch and line types in a single click.

Benefits of Roof Measuring Software

  1. Save Time – if you’re measuring roofs on Sky Roof Measure, it can be tedious to get out a scale ruler and measure each twist and turn of the roof and then calculate areas by hand. It’s much quicker to just click your mouse a few times to measure your roof and let the software do the calculations.
  2. Increase Accuracy – It’s easy to measure wrong or plug in the wrong number into your calculator. Calculation mistakes mean you could order too much or too few materials.  These mistakes are not only annoying, they are costly too! 
  3. Save Money – Printing blueprints is expensive and inconvenient. With roof measuring software, you won’t have to print anything.  Just upload your plan pages into the software and measure!  You’ll save money every time you won’t have to print out blueprint pages.
  4. Convenience – If you’re working on an existing building, you won’t have to actually drive to the location to do your measurements in person. Time is money, and you’ll be saving a lot of time not having to visit your location in person.

One major thing that sets you apart from other roofing contractors is how your customers feel about the service they receive. We live in a very review-driven environment. So when someone is searching for a local roofing company, chances are they are going to pick up the phone and call the one with the best customer feedback.

A lot of contractors are surprised to see how their roofing CRM can actually impact and enhance the customer experience. Like we mentioned before, when your processes and productivity are improved so is your customer satisfaction.

Get an estimate completed in 3 minutes or less by using technology to speed up your process. In today’s competitive landscape, the speed at which you finalize and deliver an estimate is critical. A slower process or time-lapse from measuring to estimation will often open the door for other bids to be sent to the homeowner. We help roofing contractors to create professional estimates with lightning speed and accuracy! You will shorten your sales cycle, close more jobs, and create a better connection with homeowners, all by creating estimates digitally with the click of a button.

Roof Measurements From Satellite

You’re a few simple steps away from your aerial roof measurements (and a better back!):

    • Enter Your Details: Give us your name, email, and phone number so we can contact you.
    • Enter Your Address: Let us know which roof to measure.
    • Leave Notes: Tell us to exclude the garage or anything else we should know before sending your measurements.
  • Confirm Your Address: Hey, we just want to know we’re measuring the right house!

That’s it! Just proceed to the payment page (if necessary), and you’ll get your measurements instantly. See, wasn’t that way better than spending all day on the roof in the hot sun?

From there, you’ll create your free toolbox account where you’ll have access to your measurements and a ton of tools to make your roof project easier, cheaper, and faster.

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