Aerial Roof Measurement

Aerial Roof Measurement


  • A system that permits the remote measurement of the size, geometry, pitch and direction of the roof sections of a building and afterward utilizes the information to give an estimate to repair or replace the roof, or to install equipment consequently.
  • The system includes an aerial image record database that shows aerial images of buildings in an assigned region as per address. The slope and direction images are ordinarily oblique viewpoint perspectives and top plan views on the buildings in the area.
  • The system likewise includes an image analysis and calibration feature that enables the viewer to closely estimate the size, geometry and direction of the building’s roof sections. The information would then be able to be utilized to set up a quote for the repair or replacement of the roof or installation of roof equipment.
  • By essentially contributing the expected client’s location, the company can decide the size, geometry, pitch and direction of the roof areas of the building at that address, and afterward rapidly give a precise estimate to the client.


  • Most roofers know the advantages of utilizing aerial roofing measurements for their roofing jobs. Services like Sky Roof Measure give the most accurate roofing measurements, just as eliminating of the requirement for sales reps to climb a stepping stool to get those measurements. These aerial roof estimation services save time in two different ways: they reduce the amount of time spent on a place of work, and they make it more likely that your estimates will be accurate. Any roofer who isn’t now utilizing aerial roof measurements can start to estimate quicker by adopting this estimation or measurement technology.
  • If you use roofing software like Sky roof Measure, you can save much additional time with your aerial roof estimation technology and smooth out the estimation cycle significantly further. Sky roof Measure permitting you to arrange estimation reports straightforwardly from the software platform. With the Sky roof Measure application that carries the product to your cell phone, this implies you can arrange your reports directly from the place of work, from your car, or anyplace you will be—you don’t need to hold up until you return to the workplace.
  • Requesting aerial roof measurements directly from Sky roof Measures likewise implies that those measurements are put away straightforwardly in the stage. You don’t need to move the reports into Sky roof Measures—you can connect them with a vocation, access them from anyplace, and use them all through the stage. In addition to the fact that you are save time by requesting measurements any place you are, you’re likewise save time by keeping the estimation data in a single, centralized, and effectively open area.


  • Aerial estimations have been a part of the restoration business giving exact roof measurements now to more than five years. Leading restoration contractors are experiencing huge advantages by grasping these technologies and figuring out how to utilize them to develop profits and revenue. They are adjusting and joining aerial roof measurement technology and experiencing high levels of ROI all through the roofing cycle by remembering it for all aspects of the job, for example, marketing, sales, production and warranty.
  • In addition to the marketing benefits, aerial measurement technology allows contractors to increase production efficiencies and invest more time with the land owner to really understand their necessities. The time that we would have spent measuring these buildings would now be able to be diverted into visiting with the customer, understanding their needs and precisely reporting what was influenced by the episode.
  • Safety is another key zone where contractors are seeing advantages. In a situation where a building
    has been damaged, there are extraordinary risks involved with climbing a potentially unsafe structure. It lessens the liability of climbing damaged roof and permits the contractors to simply check and document damage by taking images.
  • These reports can be utilized all through the whole roofing activity life-cycle to improve gainfulness by and large for contractors. For example, numerous contractors report increased efficiencies in material requesting. The measurements are accurate so it helps contractors with exact material requests. Not any more stressing over and under, no additionally restocking charges from wholesalers and no materials sent back to the bone yard. This all leads to an increase in effectiveness which thus supports work benefits.

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