roof blueprint

Measure Roof Satellite – Fast, Accurate Roof Measurement

We use satellite technology to generate your estimate automatically, empowering you with exact measurements that you can then use to choose materials without wasting money.

If you use a contractor, they’ll charge you to take the measurements then inflate prices on materials. So, you pay for the measurements and then you pay MORE for the materials.

If you use Sky roof Measure, you get instant measurements and a direct line to material suppliers so you can see what materials really cost.

Satellite Roof Measurement

Readily identify prospects, create accurate estimates, and queue your work. After all, the best time to gain competitive advantage is while your competition is idle. Access recent snow-free imagery to locate necessary repair work, confirm roof details, perform accurate aerial roof measurements, and showcase stunning imagery throughout your proposals.

When you deliver winter estimates with analysis of their roof over time, you help customers proactively budget and account for the expense. You’ve lessened the impact of surprise. And best of all, you’re more likely to secure the job. 

Planning also benefits from recent aerial imagery when roof access is limited by winter conditions. Design with confidence, order the correct amount of material for the job, and safely organize roof access and your work plan. You gain efficiencies, and stay one step ahead.

Advantages to Aerial Measurement

There are many considerable advantages to Aerial Measurement.

  • Save time and gas by not having to send an estimator to the job to measure – beneficial for remote jobs where travel is a factor, and for busy salespeople who can then make more calls.
  • Save time, effort, and money by not having to physically measure the roof yourself – a big plus, especially on complex roofs with multiple intersecting roof planes.
  • Gain a professional sales tool to help close more jobs – the pdf report of the job you’re quoting can serve as an excellent sales tool.  Consider the impression left with a homeowner, if you show up to quote their roof with aerial photography of their home and exact measurements – before you’ve even met them or seen their house!  The professional report and inherent technology lend a level of sophistication to your presentation that will surely set you apart from your competition and leave a lasting, favorable impression.
  • Limit liability – you or your employees do not have to scale the roof to obtain measurements.
  • Avoid weather issues – in the Winter, inclement weather may prohibit measuring a roof; this issue is eliminated with aerial measurement, which uses existing photography.

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