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Aerial Roof Measurement Services

Every contractor knows the frustration–usually counted in dollars–that inaccurate measurements can cause when estimating and completing a roof project. While taking accurate aerial roof measurements is one of many critical steps involved in completing a quality roof job, it can be quite a project in and of itself. Since many roof measurements must be taken long before your firm is even awarded the bid, getting good numbers often becomes a balancing act. How many resources can you afford to invest in for accurate roof measurements, versus how much room can you afford to build into your estimate “in case” those measurements must be revised later? After all, your company’s profitability depends on getting it right during the estimating process.

Call Us for Roof Measurements : (315) 926-1777 

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Clear Benefits
  • High-Resolution overhead imagery
  • Option to measure from images by season/month 
  • 70% of all U.S. properties captured
  • Seamlessly integrated into roof measurement software
  • Frequently updated image database
  • Alternative when satellite imagery is obscured
  • Enhances roof inspection reports for insurance purposes
  • No need to purchase 3rd-party roof measurement reports

Drones have advanced a great deal since the first camera-equipped aircraft became commercially available in the early 21st century. With a small professional drone, a licensed pilot can overfly any roof and inspect it, map it, measure it, and find any problems with structures mounted on it in a fast and safe manner, while the roofers focus on installing and repairing roofs. This is our bread and butter, as most smaller roofing companies cannot afford large drones and licensed pilots on their staffs. We proudly provide high-quality inspection and measurement services at a reasonable price.

Aerial Roof Measurement Services – While satellite imagery has certainly been a major technological advancement and it has some very valuable uses, for the average consumer it is not really a feasible alternative. In most cases, aerial photography offers a more affordable and more effective means of getting your message across with stunning images.

Whether you need to showcase a piece of real estate or a luxury yacht, or you need to get a closer look at your commercial property to locate and identify any potential problems, aerial photography can be a valuable tool. With the use of drones, the possibilities for aerial photography are almost limitless, allowing for a variety of angles and images that can suit almost any need. You can even incorporate video footage coupled with music for a more high-impact approach.

We have a great team of trained and certified aerial photographers, who are located throughout the US. Each one is very knowledgable about how to capture optimal images for accurate results, have appropriate equipment, and are extremely responsive to client requests.

One of our clients recently said, “I want to thank the team for all the effort to get the flight scheduled and make the data available on such short notice. We didn’t have a confirmed time until Monday and we were able to get the flight scheduled for Tuesday and have the data available by Wednesday morning. The effort to make this happen is greatly appreciated. Thank you again.”

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