aerial roofing

Accurate 3D Aerial Roof Measurements Reports

At Sky Roof Measure we create accurate 3D roof models from intelligent aerial images and generate a detailed PDF report. We generally serve Roofers and Insurance Professionals.

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We have extensive training and experience in the interpretation of aerial imagery and the creation of ACCURATE 3D roof models, our process includes; fetching aerial images > creation of the roof model > generation of PDF report.

We began producing 3d roof models from January 2010, we offer consulting services in regards to software selection and human resource training for other companies within the aerial roof measurements industry.

By combining multi-angle aerial images with advanced analytics, our reports provide precise area, pitch, and length measurements. Colour coding distinguishes every detail, from ridges, hips, and valleys to verges, eaves, and flashings. Fast report turnaround saves you time. High-resolution aerial views and 3D diagrams make your tender stand out.

Our roof measurement reports provide a detailed overview of every aspect of your roof. Each report comes with aerial images of the property, a 3D diagram of the roof, length, area, pitch and notes diagrams, as well as a summary page with waste table calculations. Our EagleView generated reports include length diagrams with color-coded details and total lengths for ridges, hips, valleys, rakes, eaves, flashing and step flashing. The Wall Measurement Reports provide a detailed analysis of your wall layout and all the critical dimensions, including the area each wall feature These professional-grade reports are used by all types national companies and come with an Accuracy Guarantee. All the measurement’s final report will emailed to you within 1-4 days.

Why Use Drones for Roof Measurements?

One of the main benefits of drones is their size and maneuverability.  This feature allows them to fly a few feet away from various building types and capture high-resolution imagery (sub-centimeter per pixel resolution) for residential, commercial, flat and metal roofs.

Features / Application / Technical Info.

    • 3D Roof Diagram
    • Aerial Images (Top, N, S, E & W)
    • Length Diagram
    • Pitch Diagram
    • Area Diagram
    • Notes Diagram
    • Report Summary
    • Waste Calculation Table

Aerial Reports is a quick and easy way to get detailed and accurate roof measurements anywhere you want without leaving your office. Aerial Reports uses the best of the industry’s Proven off-the-shelf software and available aerial imagery to provide Roofers, Contractors, Insurance Carriers and Adjusters a Customized, Detailed and Accurate Roof Measurement Reports. Never miss another opportunity to provide an estimate due to distance, location and weather conditions. Our off-site roof reports help you gain a Competitive Edge by providing an on-time and most accurate roof report. Simply provide us the address of the property to be measured and we’ll do the rest.

Our Goal & Specialization

Our goal is to streamline your day to day operations by automating your employees and allowing them to work more efficiently with the help of our interactive Roof Reports. When your roof report is ready, it is not just emailed to one person, or available for download into a single desktop application, it is available to anyone in your company using a web based user account. All your reports saved on our database and you can view and download any time as per your convenience. Our 3D Roof reports include Aerial Images, rakes, flashing, valleys, ridges, multiple slope areas, pitch, linear measurements, total squares, recommended waste, etc. Our System can Export and import file formats such as XML,RFX,DFX/DWG and WRL.

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